(simplified form) (same as 蔦) the convolvulus; a kind of creeping plant, partridge; francolin, in Japan, the pole out side of a building used to post the public notice
汉字: 㭤
拼音: [niǎo]
注音: ㄋㄧㄠˇ
部首: [木] 木字旁
笔画: 9 部外:5
异体字: 樢
字形结构: 左右结构
统一编码: 扩展A U+3B64
其它编码: 五笔:sqyg|sqgg 仓颉:dpym 郑码:frz 四角:47927
笔顺编码: 123435451
笔顺笔画: 一丨ノ丶ノフ丶フ一
樢【辰集中】【木部】 康熙筆画:15画,部外筆画:11画